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Theater Update!

I've just realized how long its been since I talked about my interest in sharing some theater memories.

The good news is, for those interested, that I actually HAVE been working on that project, too. I've just been paying too close attention to the details, and it's taking longer than expected.

That said, I've finished eighteen pages of a new story, and plan to add it to a few other stories (already finished), along similar lines, so that I can publish my first zine, probably first thing in the new year.

I'm very excited. And a little nervous. But I'm looking forward to learning all about the process of diy printing and independent distribution, and I will share my discoveries here, I suppose.

Here's a glimpse of one of the pages I've been working on, when not busy with radio production... It's based on a short story I wrote in 1995, while living in Duluth, Minnesota. Thanks for your interest! Jon N

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